I’ve been listening to “Steam,” a new song from NYC tech-metal duo Bangladeafy, all morning and I still can’t quite figure it out. The bass and drum duo are skilled, taking the song through multiple moods and levels of intensity over the course of two-and-a-half minutes. Without guitars or death growls, Bangladeafy’s version of extreme is different than, say, Dying Fetus, but it’s no less impressive for it. Plus, with all that bass, Bangladeafy’s live shows must be absolutely pulverizing.
“Steam” comes from Ribboncutter, the follow-up to their prior EP Narcopaloma, but it’s a little older than most of the songs it shares space on the album with. Hear it below for your own assessment.
“This song was written during the Narcopaloma sessions but didn’t make it to the final cut,” bassist Jon Ehlers says. “In the time since that release, we opened up its holding cell to find that it had developed a violent layer of mold that makes it fit right into the ugliness of Ribboncutter.”
Ribboncutter will be released on September 21 via Nefarious Industries.