German psych rockers Wedge are opening the next chapter in their career with their new album, Killing Tongue. Avoiding the garage rock sound on their eponymous debut, on Killing Tongue Wedge delve deeper into the psychedelic corner of their sound.
“Although we obviously love vintage music we wanted the new record to sound also fresh and not as garagey as our debut.” says guitarist/vocalist Kiryk Drewinski. “Overall, recording Killing Tongue was a quite different experience compared to cutting the first album, which we did mainly live in just a few days at our rehearsal room. With the new album we had the opportunity to make use of a proper studio, equipped with all kinds of vintage analog goodies. Because of that, we were able to arrange and produce some of the songs with less limitations and just the way we had imagined them in our heads, using a bunch of instruments and sounds which we don’t use live. On the other hand, we had the freedom to play nearly all of the tracks in concerts for quite a while prior to recording, which we consider a huge luxury. Having unrecorded tunes in our live set enabled us to ‘test’ and develop them first. Usually bands are forced to put out albums at a certain time rate so it’s not surprising that the first few albums of many bands are among their best. This is exactly due to the fact that those albums consist of the groups’ live material. We had no need to ‘fill in any gaps’ but instead picked the songs for the record that worked best live, enhancing them with some nice overdubs here and there.”
Killing Tongue will see release via Heavy Psych Sounds on February 9.