We can’t wait to be in Chicago this weekend to host the Decibel Headbanger’s Bier Hall at Chicago Open Air. Both the beer list and the lineup have plenty to love about them, and we want you to share in the festivities with us, so Decibel has teamed up with Chicago Open Air to give away weekend passes!
Want to win a pair of tickets? Entering is simple: just send us an email at [email protected] with “Chicago Open Air” in the subject line and the band you most want to see in the body (don’t worry, there are no right or wrong answers) plus the full, legal name of you and your guest. Please also include your phone number so we can get in touch with you.
Winners will be contacted on Wednesday. We’ll see you at the festival!
Not feeling so lucky today? No worries! Grab single day and weekend passes to Chicago Open Air here.