Three years ago, Krypts released their debut full-length, Unending Degradation, joining the ranks of Finnish bands cranking out quality death metal. Their second album, Remnants of Expansion, builds on the death-doom foundation present on prior releases.
Krypts establishes a strong, doomy atmosphere from the get go. Album opener “Arrow of Entropy” is a hulking eleven minutes and sets the tone for Remnants as it lumbers through riffs, blast beats and thick, atmospheric moments.
Remnants of Expansion isn’t constrained by its doomy atmosphere either. Tracks like closer “Transfixed” let OSDM-sounding riffs take center stage before being swallowed up in the album’s fade out.
Though the tracks on Remnants don’t necessarily blend into what sounds like an individual song of half an hour, it is easy get lost in the album. Each of the five songs flows together and makes it rather enjoyable to listen to Remnants of Expansion in one sitting.
“Our second full-length offering of Death Doom,” the band commented. “During its playtime of 33 minutes it transfixes you just to leave you drifting in utter nothingness. Recorded between the last winter and summer solstices and written between 2011 – 2015, the album was crafted to be a gateway – an aural view to the endless desolation, total disintegration.”
Stream Krypts’ full album above before it drops on Dark Descent on October 28 (preorders here.)