Only a mere month ago German black metallers Entartung featured a track (HERE) on the Deciblog. Spirits were crushed, churches were defiled, and minds were corrupted. Now, the time has come for Entartung to unfurl the great fear that is Peccata Mortalia.
Normally we laugh at our own hyperbole, but Peccata Mortalia is, like other W.T.C. acts in Valkyjra and Tortorum, an album of remarkably black construct. Not the Halloween, Tim Burton stuff either. But bona fide black, the likes of which are rare and unhallowed. As for what all that means, well, don’t you worry. Just listen to Peccata Mortalia and wish upon the five-pointed star that you have us to thank for exposing you to Entartung.
** Entartung’s new album, Peccata Mortalia, is out now on W.T.C. Productions. It’s available HERE if you like things that go bump in the night.