Beelzebub’s Cave
Miami, FL
DIY Space (all ages)
Having just wrapped up recording for our new record and with less then two weeks before the start of our run opening for Revocation and Cannabis Corpse (Dates here: I figured it was as good a time as any to haul out another DIVE BARS AND DIVE BOMBS! Crack a tall can and put on your reading glasses.
Tucked into the side of an unassuming warehouse building, in a neighborhood that doesn’t necessarily lend itself to lone walks after dark, lays a cave. The cave has but a handful of red lights, a high ceiling, and an over-sized pentagram painted onto the shiny floor.
Sound: If your band sounds good at band practice, then it’ll sound good here. As far as caverns go, this one is fairly small so there’s no need for amps to be mic-ed, but the vocals come in loud through two large PA speakers mounted from the ceiling. A baffle hangs directly above the drum kit pushing cymbal sound right into the crowd, keeping crashes from getting lost in the rafters. For such a simple set up the tunes sounded crystal clear, both for the band playing and the crowd watching.
Drink Menu: Alcohol isn’t served, but you’re probably used to sneaking your flask into bars anyway. A BYOB policy saves your broke ass the trouble.
Hospitality: Local band Shroud Eater are responsible for running The Cave and you’ll be hard pressed to find friendlier faces in the show booking/running scene. These girls and guy hooked us up with beer after beer, shot after shot, a drunken photoshoot in their second floor studio, and snacks for the morning. When the after party sloppily devolved into blasting Warren G’s “Regulators” on repeat while Blake played a smoke machine like a wah-wah pedal, there wasn’t a mellow to be harshed.
Crowd: There didn’t seem to be a definitive scene at this spot – it was Florida death metal dudes, hardcore kids, thrashers, stoners, and general “rockers”. For being located in such a sketchy area, people were very open and chatty. Bowls were passed and friends made.
Bathroom: One crapper and it’s Mr. Clean approved! Things got a little pukey in the morning but good aim prevailed.
Staff: Like I said above, Shroud Eater run the spot and it would be an understatement to call them helpful. They gave us exactly what we were looking for from the door, ran sound and kept an eye on the parking lot. The band are obviously working hard to create a destination for national touring acts, and although Miami is at the dick’s tip of Florida, I’d say their effort makes it worth the trip.
In closing: This is one of the cleanest and best sounding DIY rooms I’ve played in a long time. Circle pit around the pentagram, drink a million beers, and bring cash for the touring bands.