Krieg’s new album, Transient, is killer. It’s a logical step after The Isolationist with a few surprises. No, Krieg braintrust Imperial (aka “record store” guy, Neill Jameson, aka Imperial) hasn’t injected his USBM crown with EDM beats (or light show) or Juggalo culture aesthetics. He’s simply taken Krieg and its music to the next logical place. Further down the rat hole of desperation, frustration, and monochromatic hate.
Said Jameson back in March: “For me personally, I just finished recording the new Krieg album, Transient at Machines with Magnets in Rhode Island, which should be coming out on Candlelight in the summer and we’re getting ready to do an obnoxious amount of releases on various formats.”
That’s right. Transient, scheduled to hit stores September 2nd, sounds incredibly bleak. The Machines with Magnets production accentuates Krieg’s place in the world. The record also features members from Occult 45, Chaos Moon, and Castle Freak, so it’s not just Jameson banging the instruments of eschaton.
OK, it’s Friday! Thank Sumerian gods with unpronounceable names! Get grim with new Krieg!
** Krieg’s new album, Transient, is out September 2nd on Candlelight Records USA. It’s available HERE for pre-order. Click the link before the world ends! Probably by end of year using our Decibot calculation.