Heart (Failure) Work

This one’s for all our Los Angelean mutants: If you don’t have your heart set on shoving it away too long to snuff the rooster (i.e. the BlackDiamondSkye boner-rock fiesta at Gibson Amphitheatre), blast on over to Footsies on N. Figueroa tonight for this Decibel-icious grind-tastic DJ night. The flier says it all, but I’ll reiterate to push this bitch past 100 words: inimitable curmudgeonly surgeon Jeff “House M.D.” Walker (Carcass) is this week’s guest DJ, along with regulars Scott Carlson (Repulsion), Tom Neely (Henry & Glenn Forever), Les Dudis (Hydra Head) and ever-lachrymose staff Swiss army knife J. Bennett. As a wise (not gay, to the best of our knowledge) man once recommended: get some, go again.